
雷尼绍MCR20 SCR200 测头更换架

产品名称: 雷尼绍MCR20 SCR200 测头更换架
产品型号: MCR20 SCR200
产品展商: 英国雷尼绍
产品文档: 无相关文档


雷尼绍MCR20 SCR200 测头更换架

雷尼绍MCR20 SCR200 测头更换架  的详细介绍




高度 190 mm
宽度 245 mm









SCR200 stylus changing rack
SCR200 active 6 port change rack for use with TP200 (no stylus module
A-1207-0031 40,163
Warranty extension to 3 years EW2-A-1207-0031 1,607
SCR200 active 6 port change rack for use with TP200 including 3 x
standard force stylus modules
A-1207-0030 59,796
Warranty extension to 3 years EW2-A-1207-0030 2,003
SCR200 active 6 port change rack for use with TP200 including 3 x low
force stylus modules
A-1207-0070 59,796
Warranty extension to 3 years
雷尼绍MCR20 SCR200 测头更换架

MCR20 module changing rack
MCR20 rack for automatic stylus changing with TP20 (rack only) A-1371-0163 27,157
Warranty extension to 3 years EW2-A-1371-0163 1,088
MCR20 rack for automatic stylus changing with TP20 (includes 2 x standard
force modules)
A-1371-0261 47,095
Warranty extension to 3 years EW2-A-1371-0261 1,887
MCR20 rack for automatic stylus changing with TP20 (includes 1 x standard
force & 1 x medium force modules)
A-1371-0262 47,095
Warranty extension to 3 years EW2-A-1371-0262 1,879
MCR20 rack for automatic stylus changing with TP20 (includes 1 x standard
force & 1 x extended force modules)
A-1371-0263 47,095
Warranty extension to 3 years EW2-A-1371-0263 1,970
MCR20 rack for automatic stylus changing with TP20 (includes 2 x medium
force modules)
A-1371-0264 47,095
Warranty extension to 3 years EW2-A-1371-0264 1,887
MCR20 rack for automatic stylus changing with TP20 (includes 1x extended
force & 1x medium force modules)
A-1371-0265 47,095
Warranty extension to 3 years EW2-A-1371-0265 1,970
MCR20 rack for automatic stylus changing with TP20 (includes 2x extended
force modules)
A-1371-0266 47,095
Warranty extension to 3 years EW2-A-1371-0266 2,052
MCR20 rack for automatic stylus changing with TP20 (includes 1 x standard
force & 1 x low force modules)
A-1371-0267 47,919
Warranty extension to 3 years EW2-A-1371-0267 1,920
MCR20 rack for automatic stylus changing with TP20 (includes 1 x medium
force & 1 x low force modules)
A-1371-0268 47,919
Warranty extension to 3 years EW2-A-1371-0268 1,920
MSR1 module storage rack
MSR1 manual storage rack for TP20 and TP200 modules with wall
mounting bracket
A-1371-0330 5,135
MSR1 manual storage rack for TP20 and TP200 modules with leg and
mounting base
A-1371-0347 6,478
M12 location piece M-1371-0298 148

Copyright@ 2003-2024  青岛澳海源国际贸易有限公司版权所有     

日本三丰量具  英国雷尼绍测头 东亚电波PH计 HIOKI日置  小野转速表 日本大菱水平仪  米亚基电流表 柴田粉尘浓度计 三丰光栅尺   日本三丰量具 、英国雷尼绍测头 、CUSTOM噪音计 、TANDD温湿度计、 AIKOH推拉力计、METRO传感器、 OBISHI水平仪、  NCK卡规、 昭和振动计 、小野转速表 、东亚电波PH计、 菊池光学显微镜、 柴田气体采样泵 、奥地利Anton-Paar密度计/高精密温度计/粘度计 、COPAL压力计 、天鹅球规 、KOD小寺水平仪 、HIOKI日置阻抗分析仪 、CHINO千野温度控制仪表、 东京精密测针、 SK精密数显水平仪、IIJIMA饭岛有机溶剂测试仪、NDK电色光泽度计、SUGITOH杉藤显微镜 、BIG大昭和高精度角度头 、KOSAKA测针 、MIDORI电位计 、SANSYO三商粘度计、 USHIO牛尾照度计、 ANDO 安藤计器温度计、 FUJITA藤田水准器水平仪 、UNITTA张力计、TOEI东荣工业角度计、 IMAI今井精机硬度计 、啄木鸟检测仪、 NKS长野压力表  ASK流量传感器、 米亚基电流检测仪、 SPOTRON压力检测仪、 倔场电极 、东方马达电机 、日油技研感温贴  、日本三丰光栅尺 、ESPEC温湿度计、 铃木切割机等。
